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Is it possible to challenge a Supreme Court Judgment with an Extraordinary Complaint?
The extraordinary complaint is a novelty among extraordinary means of appeal, which appeared in the Polish legal order at the end of 2017. This institution owes its extraordinary character primarily
Can a Legal Person bring an Individual Complaint to the European Court of Human Rights?
In 1959, the European Court of Human Rights was established in Strasbourg under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Since its establishment, the Court has
Succession Management – an Enterprise of a Natural Person
In the course of changes in legislation aimed at revolutionizing the conduct of business in Poland, alongside the Act from the 6th of March 2018. – In entrepreneurs’ Law, the
Modern civil and commercial dispute resolution
A modern Law Firm offers its Clients support not only in the area of litigation, but also, or rather first of all, in the area of broadly understood business comfort.